People often find it confusing if Lindsey Graham and Bob Graham are related to each other! Surprisingly they share the same surname.
Lindsey Graham is an American Lawyer and Politician; Bob Graham is also an American Lawyer, Author, and Politician! If you are also interested to know about Lindsey and Bob’s relationship, this article is for you! We have researched a lot to make clear this confusion.

Though Lindsey Graham and Bob Graham share the same surname, they aren’t from the same family, aren’t even related to each other! Check out where they live and if they are from the same clan of different places?
Lindsey Olin Graham, popularly known as Lindsey Graham, was born in Central, South Carolina. But his family is of Scots – Irish descent.
His parents, Millie Walters and Florence James Graham ran a South Carolina liquor store. Daniel Robert Bob Graham, AKA Bob Graham, was born completely different. He was born in Coral Gables, Florida.
His Parent Hilda Elizabeth and Ernest R. Graham, have four children; he is the youngest among them. Ernest R. Graham was a state Senator from Florida, which means Bob belonged to a political family.
Are Lindsey Graham and Bob Graham Same Aged?
Lindsey and Bob even had different life paths throughout! When Lindsey was 22, he became an orphan by the death of his parents.
But he managed to pursue his B.A degree in Psychology in 1977 also a law degree in 1981 from the University of South Carolina, whereas Bob received a Bachelor degree in Political Science in 1959 from the University of Florida. Later, in 1962 Bob received a Bachelor of Laws from Harvard Law School.
Are Lindsey Graham and Bob Graham from Same Political Tree?
Lindsey and Bob had a different kind of political career too. Bob Graham has been a public servant for nearly four decades, starting from local to national level. He has become one of the most accomplished politicians of Florida.
Bob definitely has a glamorous political career as a State Legislator, Governor, and finally, three-term U.S Senator. He is a member of the Democratic Party.
Lindsey Graham is also a member of the Republican Party. He served in the military as a part of their judicial system in the U.S Air force. After retiring from the military on happening of certain events he started his career as a private lawyer.
He also served in the United States House of Representatives for South Carolina 3rd Congressional District four times.
He also served as the Chairman of the Senate Committee on the judiciary for two years. Even in a political career, they weren’t related to each other!
So on the question of the relation between Lindsey Graham and Bob Graham, you can see they aren’t related to each other by blood, not even in any aspect.
Actually, Bob is much senior to Lindsey by age and much more different by nature. Lindsey is known for aggressive interventionist foreign policy, whereas Bob is treated to be one of the finest administrators in U.S.A history.