With millions of albums sold and hundreds of upcoming worldwide concert tours with the greatest rock band of all time, Adam Lambert has proven once and for all that he’s not your typical American Idol – he’s got the skills, the looks, and the attitude to stay on the trajectory of fame and success.

Aside from his undisputed talent in singing (which, by the way, has been widely praised and vouched for by none other than Brian May and Roger Taylor), Adam is also characterized by his golden heart and desire to leave a positive impact on the society.
He has donated and partnered with various charities and even promoted gay representation in mainstream media.
In other words, Adam Lambert has truly embodied the word ‘idol’, which makes him all the more worthy of recognition from more people around the world. So, if you’re curious to know everything about Adam Lambert, keep reading!
What is Adam Lambert’s Age?
Adam Mitchel Lambert was born on January 29, 1982, which makes him 40 years old. He was 23 years old when he auditioned for American Idol, which ultimately paved the way for Queen to discover him.
In 2014, he had his debut show as the newest front man of the band. Adam was 32 years old by then, while his bandmates were both in their mid-60s. The generational gap doesn’t seem to bother them, though. In fact, they all have said that they enjoy their time as a band so far.
What is Adam Lambert’s Height?
Based on the pictures alone, one can already see that Adam Lambert is one tall guy. He easily towers over anyone nearby – even women with high heels still look shorter than him in black leather shoes!
The exact number of his height, though, vary in different sources. Some say he’s 6ft flat, while some say he’s 6ft2. But during a Twitter party with his fans, Adam Lambert revealed that he’s 6ft1 or 1.85m:

“I’m 6’1’’. Upon meeting me, one of the most common comments is ‘omg you’re so much taller than you look on TV’.”
Who are Adam Lambert’s Parents?
Adam Lambert was born to a mixed-race family. His father, Eber Lambert, was of Norwegian descent while his mother, Leila Lambert, had Jewish roots from Romania.
Both parents were employed, with Eber working as a computer program manager of Novatel Wireless and Leila working as a dental hygienist and interior designer.
Leila and Eber were instrumental to Adam’s dream of becoming a singer. They both supported his interests by sending him to workshops and theater groups to help him develop his talent in singing and dancing.
And while it all worked out for Adam, things didn’t between Leila and Eber. They divorced in 2001 and have since moved on with other partners.
In an interview with Woman’s Day, Adam’s opened up about her adjustments to his son’s rise to stardom:
“It’s very surreal. I have a hard time realizing that my own son is now a household name to many people. The beauty is he’s still living in the same town he’s lived in for the last nine years and he still has the same friends. But the amount of work he’s doing has changed. Although he can’t always go places and he has to try to be more inconspicuous, he really appreciates the love and support of his fans.”
Does Adam Lambert Have a Sibling?
Adam Lambert does have a younger brother named Neil Lambert. And no, he’s not the same Neil Lambert of King’s College London teaching uni students about theoretical physics. Neil is, like most celebrity siblings, just as ordinary as he could get.
He’s got a wife and a son and occasionally tags along with his superstar brother during his concert tours. According to Adam, having his lil’ brother around shows has been quite beneficial to him:
“That’s one of the great things about having him on the tour is that, you know, there’s a lot of people that are paid to blow smoke up my butt. He’s always the guy who’s going to be like, ‘uh, no.’ So, that’s good.”
Is Adam Lambert Gay?

Yes, Adam is gay and he’s “very comfortable with it.” His parents and loved ones have all been very supportive of him since day one, which could have contributed to his confidence in showing the world who he really is.
However, he does admit that he’s had a few crushes on women from time to time:
“I’ve been kind of toying around with the bi thing in my head. I wouldn’t ever give myself the label ‘bisexual’, but bi-curious? Yeah. I’ve been known to make out with girls from time to time. Couple drinks involved, you know. It’s fun. And who knows? Maybe it’ll go further someday. I don’t know.”
And that’s it, folks! Now you know everything you need to know about Adam Lambert outside of his singing career. Let us know what else you’d like us to cover about the For Your Entertainment singer by leaving a comment below!